The annual students welcome event turned Hawaiian this year for the 2022 allowing our students to socialise and meet other Ashcourt residents and get to know new house mates. During the event, held on our own campus, the students were able to enjoy a the free bar, free burgers, free entry to piper club as well as a queue jump. The club also sent us their DJ who was thoroughly enjoyed throughout the night getting everyone up and moving. On the night we hired an inflatable surfboard simulator. For the simulator, we held a competition, with a prize for who could stay on the longest. We offered a piper booth for the winner and 3 of their friends to enjoy until the late hours. Throughout the student year we hold many events, giveaways and competitions for all the students to get involved with, keep an eye on our social media to make sure you don’t miss out. Head over to our social media or gallery to see the pictures from the night!
Ashcourt's Annual Student Welcome Event 2022