Are you a sparkling new fresher starting the University of Hull this September? Or perhaps a returning student who’s been excitedly awaiting to return to Uni after Summer? Here is a quicker fresher guide that might come in handy for you.
Fresher’s week is one of the most exciting, eventful, and likely to be the most memorable week of your university experience. As much as fresher’s week is exciting it can also be equally just as overwhelming, so here are some tips on how to thrive and make the most out of your fresher experience!
1. Make Friends
Once you’ve settled into your accommodation and waved goodbye to your parents, make sure to greet your neighbours by offering them a warm beverage or snack. I know that making friends can be daunting however, I assure you that everyone is in the same boat as you and could use a friend so don’t be afraid to make the first move. I promise you will only regret the chances you didn’t take. Make sure to join any social media group chats for your accommodation, society, or course and if you can’t find any then simply make one! It is a great way to casually meet others and stay up to date with any events going on.
2. Savvy Saver
We all know there are lots of opportunities to have fun during freshers’ week but also lots of opportunities to overspend. Allow yourself to have fun but do it responsibly as the last thing you want to do is spend the next year fighting to get out of your overdraft. Try to prioritise the events that you would like to attend or the ones your friends are attending. You can still have fun nights in at your accommodation making friends than spending a bunch of money on every event. When going to a nightlife event, try to have socials and pre-drinks before you go out as bar prices can be costly. I would also strongly advise that you take out an amount of cash you would like to stick to, so you don’t risk becoming tap happy with contactless, as there’s nothing worse than feeling bad about overspending the next day and having to miss out on other events. My best tip would be to use a notebook and work out how much finance you have weekly and take notes of your spending, this way you can feel more financially prepared and at ease.
3. Social Events
Make sure to go on the University of Hull Student’s Union website and take a look at all the amazing events offered throughout freshers’ week and throughout the next few months. There are some amazing GIAG (Give it a go) events and some amazing acts such as FUSE ODG and Bass Hunter coming to Asylum for an unmissable price, so I would recommend you purchase a ticket for these events. I also would strongly recommend attending the society fairs too as you get to try out really fun activities, collect as many free things as possible (I challenge you), and meet awesome societies that may take your fancy! NOTE* if you’re an Ashcourt Student don’t miss out on the Ashcourt Hawaiian event (AKA the event of the year).
4. Campus Walk
A simple but really useful tip is to get familiar with your university campus. There’s nothing scarier than having a night out the night before and arriving late to your 9 AM lecture as you have no idea where the building is located. During your first week take a stroll around campus to familiarise yourself and take note of useful facilities such as the student union, support services, library and bar.
5. Set An Example
We all know just how varied people’s living standards are and something that seems common sense to you might be foreign to somebody else. Set an example of how to behave in your accommodation such as respecting others, keeping communal places clean, and respecting volume levels. I can’t promise everyone will have the same respect and standards as you however setting an example will definitely pave a good example of what you expect in others.
6. Explore Off Campus
If you are feeling brave and comfortable, why not head into town or down Newland Avenue with your housemates and get a feel of this city and some of the amazing experiences it has to offer? I would definitely recommend a trip to St Stephens, Princes Quay, and the Deep. Newland Ave also has lots of awesome places such as the Piper nightclub, Downton Doughnuts, Planet coffee and much more…
7. Self-care and Rest
Make some time for yourself! It’s very easy to be so excited you forget to look out for yourself. Give yourself time to recover from a night out, time to get some headspace, or family catchup time. Stick on a facemask and watch a movie in bed, then when you are feeling more refreshed you can hop back on the fresher’s week train. You’ve had an emotional roller coaster of a week, so please take some time to just breathe.
8. Have The Time of Your Life!
There are very few moments in your life quite like this again, so make the most of every situation, keep a fun and positive mindset, and take calculated risks. Take this new change of environment to be yourself or even reinvent yourself. Want to be more outgoing? Then do it! Be fearless, be young, and most of all be your most authentic and kind self.